Caestra Consulting

Your experts for workplace safety and health protection in Germany.
Take action before something happens!
Safe and compliant through everyday work.

Caestra Consulting

Your experts for workplace safety and health protection in Germany.
Take action before something happens!
Safe and compliant through everyday work.

OSHM Setup

OSHM Optimization

OSHM Controlling

OSHM Certifications


OSHM Setup

OSHM Optimization

OSHM Controlling

OSHM Certifications


OSHM Setup

OSHM Optimization

OSHM Controlling

OSHM Certifications


Zero Vision: With Caestra, towards an accident-free and healthy workplace in Germany.

Workplace safety measures minimizes the risks to the well-being of all employees and ensures the continued existence of your company. We ensure that you and your colleagues can get through your everyday working life in a healthy and legally compliant manner.

To fulfill this essential task, you should have a suitable occupational safety management (OSHM) system in place that guarantees maximum workplace safety for you and your employees. We support you in creating new OSHM systems or help you optimize your existing systems. Trust our expertise when it comes to occupational safety consulting in Germany.

Our Services:

  • OSHM Setup
  • OSHM Optimization
  • OSHM Monitoring
  • OSHM Certifications
  • Coaching

Your Benefits:

  • Healthy Employees
  • Safe Working
  • Legal Compliance
  • Enhanced Competitiveness
  • Positive Company Image


small and medium-sized enterprises



start of our workplace safety Consulting

30 Jahre

operational OSH Experience


Successfully completed Projects


of the costs of our OSH Consulting are eligible for Government Funding


Every 39 seconds, a reportable workplace accident occurs in German businesses – 510 colleagues lost their lives in such incidents in 2021 (Statista).

Every accident is one too many!

Why you should consistently manage Workplace Safety in Germany

Because it concerns the health of your employees and the continuity of your business!

§ 3 Employer’s Basic Obligations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG)
(1) The employer is obligated to take the necessary occupational safety and health measures, taking into account the circumstances that affect the safety and health of employees at work. He must review the measures for their effectiveness and adapt them to changing circumstances if necessary. In doing so, he must strive to improve the safety and health protection of employees.

This applies to all companies, from solo entrepreneurs to corporations. Thus, workplace safety is not just a “nice to have” function in your company but a strict legal obligation. Anyone who has ever been involved in a workplace accident investigation knows what we are talking about here.

Workplace Safety

The legal foundations of occupational safety and health in Germany.

Legal notice: The information provided on this page does not constitute legal advice or information in the sense of legal counsel.

What legal foundations apply to your company’s occupational safety and health in Germany? The classic answer: It depends…!

In addition to the actual law-making institutions, there are numerous other parties with their own regulatory provisions and agreements that determine the nature and scope of your individual company workplace safety regulations.

The involved parties include the legislature, your respective employers’ liability insurance associations, and, of course, your business partners in terms of statutory workplace co-determination. Thus, each industry and business sector has its own set of occupational safety and health regulations, which must be clarified before commencing business activities. Furthermore, there are differences in the design of your legally compliant occupational safety and health based on the nature and size of your company.

Every effective occupational safety and health management starts with the creation of a legal register and an inventory of applicable standards before commencing any business activity! Here’s an overview of the most important regulations:

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caestra consulting - unternehmensberatung - business consulting - dreieck orange unten

Other laws that include the topic of occupational health and safety but focus on the protection of other legal interests, such as the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchG).

In addition, there are agreements between collective bargaining partners and employers, traditional company agreements, as well as the autonomous law of the accident insurance carriers.

The list is just a small excerpt of the existing legal requirements that need to be considered. We are happy to assist you with the establishment and maintenance of your individual legal register.

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If your lawyer is regulating your workplace safety, it's probably already too late...

Workplace safety - my lawyer handles it.

Workplace safety - where delegation ends.

It’s always a good idea to involve a specialist lawyer in labor law in the establishment and maintenance of an effective occupational safety program. Occupational safety represents one of the greatest operational risks in Germany, and its significance is continuously increasing.

However, if you believe that fulfilling your obligations ends there, unfortunately, you are mistaken.

Duties and responsibilities related to occupational safety cannot be fully delegated!

Tasks and duties in occupational safety can actively be delegated to individuals within your organization—examples include the occupational safety management officer—or passively transferred through the organizational structure and the so-called line responsibility. External individuals can also perform functions in occupational safety, such as external company doctors or fire protection officers. This naturally includes comprehensive legal advice from your lawyer.

The bad news: You remain responsible for supervising and controlling occupational safety, especially the duty to organize and select. These duties are not legally transferable and pose a continued risk to your business and yourself.

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Effective occupational safety is a matter of attitude, not just a compliance exercise!

Implemented occupational safety goes far beyond mere compliance. While an approach solely focused on compliance may meet legal requirements, it fails to establish credibility and seriousness in the implemented safety measures, thus lacking in gaining acceptance of the occupational safety management systems across the entire workforce. Occupational safety becomes a bureaucratic formality rather than – as required – an integral part of your value structure and corporate culture.

Only those who live occupational safety will reap its benefits. Rarely has this phrase been as true as it is here.

Occupational safety must be ingrained in the consciousness of all involved parties to function effectively. Modern occupational safety management systems (OSHM) respect this realization and go far beyond formal requirements such as maintaining accident logs or having fire safety information in their scope and impact.

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Fact: German courts generally place more emphasis on the effort and seriousness of implementing occupational safety measures within a company, rather than on the flawless formal implementation of legal requirements.

The minimum you should do.

Workplce safety begins before initiating any business activities. In doubt, it’s better to start it late than never!

Even though the content and scope of occupational safety in your company are defined by your industry affiliation and business size, there are still some minimum requirements that every company must meet – from the solo entrepreneur to the large corporation.

We are happy to inform you about your individual minimum requirements in a free initial consultation. Just give us a call!

+49 6881 59 59 361

The conversation is anonymous if desired. No data collection, no subsequent marketing measures.

Occupational safety is teamwork.

Only when everyone in the company works together can a safe and healthy work environment be created, effectively preventing accidents and occupational diseases.

We comprehensively support you in designing and implementing a modern occupational health and safety management system tailored to the specific needs of your company, actively involving your employees in the occupational health and safety process.

Our consulting portfolio supports you from planning to implementation.

  • Certified occupational safety management expertise
  • Certified strategy and organizational development
  • Certified project management know-how
  • Certified quality management
  • Certified change management
ueber-uns-alle gemeinsam-ein team

With Caestra, healthy and safe through everyday work life.

We for you - our occupational safety management services in Germany.

Our occupational safety consulting services range from planning and implementing new systems to hands-on tasks such as maintaining, monitoring, and continuously improving existing systems. We offer our services modularly, so you only pay for what you actually need.

In 4 steps to the optimal occupational safety management system.

Whether it’s building new occupational safety management systems or optimizing and maintaining existing ones – Together, we’ll take the path to safe and healthy work in four steps.

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1 | free

initial consultation

In our free initial consultation, you have the opportunity to get an impression of us and our capabilities – after all, the chemistry between all parties involved should be right in the end.

After capturing the specific task description, we will provide you with a tailored offer for professional organization of your company’s occupational safety, including timeframe, required resources, costs, and of course, the possibility of state or institutional funding for the planned measures in Germany.

2 | planning

inventory assessment

The planning describes the condition that should be achieved through the commissioned measures. It includes specific acceptance criteria and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used for later evaluation of success.

The status quo analysis aims to capture all existing information and data needed for the implementation of the respective task, such as the individual legal foundations of occupational safety in the respective company, the current status with the statutory accident insurers, conducted risk assessments, preventive measures including documentation, and much more.

Following this, a target/actual comparison and the concrete planning of the measures to be implemented are carried out.

3 | operational


The operational phase includes all necessary activities and procurements for implementing the planned measures. These activities often occur within the framework of an agile or traditional project.

This phase ends once the acceptance criteria are met and performance measurement becomes possible. The focus is on quickly achieving a state of occupational safety and legal compliance in your company’s occupational safety practices.

4 | review

change management

The final phase involves the introduction, review, and maintenance of the implemented measures. This includes potential ongoing services such as necessary documentation and training, or maintaining an emergency hotline, continuous monitoring of success based on established metrics, and the permanent application of the principles and structures of continuous improvement.

We generally recommend the consistent application of appropriate change management measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of achieved successes by creating broad acceptance and making occupational safety a matter of course in all parts of the company.

In 4 steps to the optimal occupational safety management system.

Whether it’s building new occupational safety management systems or optimizing and maintaining existing ones – Together, we’ll take the path to safe and healthy work in four steps.

caestra consulting logistikberatun header rechts

1| free initial consultation

In our free initial consultation, you have the opportunity to get an impression of us and our capabilities – after all, the chemistry between all parties involved should be right in the end.

After capturing the specific task description, we will provide you with a tailored offer for professional organization of your company’s occupational safety, including timeframe, required resources, costs, and of course, the possibility of state or institutional funding for the planned measures in Germany.

2| planning, inventory assessment

The planning describes the condition that should be achieved through the commissioned measures. It includes specific acceptance criteria and key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used for later evaluation of success.

The status quo analysis aims to capture all existing information and data needed for the implementation of the respective task, such as the individual legal foundations of occupational safety in the respective company, the current status with the statutory accident insurers, conducted risk assessments, preventive measures including documentation, and much more.

Following this, a target/actual comparison and the concrete planning of the measures to be implemented are carried out.

3| operational implemention

The operational phase includes all necessary activities and procurements for implementing the planned measures. These activities often occur within the framework of an agile or traditional project.

This phase ends once the acceptance criteria are met and performance measurement becomes possible. The focus is on quickly achieving a state of occupational safety and legal compliance in your company’s occupational safety practices.

4| review and change management

The final phase involves the introduction, review, and maintenance of the implemented measures. This includes potential ongoing services such as necessary documentation and training, or maintaining an emergency hotline, continuous monitoring of success based on established metrics, and the permanent application of the principles and structures of continuous improvement.

We generally recommend the consistent application of appropriate change management measures to ensure the long-term sustainability of achieved successes by creating broad acceptance and making occupational safety a matter of course in all parts of the company.

Good Workplace Safety Consulting doesn't have to be expensive!

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Up to 80% of our work safety consulting costs are eligible for government funding for German-based companies. Our doors are open to you!

Your vision, our expertise.

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Caestra Consulting - Fair Play

We operate independently in our consulting services, ensuring freedom from external influences. This includes avoiding sales partnerships or similar cooperation models with manufacturers or providers in the relevant fields.



Our analyses and recommendations are free from personal interests. We rely on a professional and neutral perspective, based on data and facts. We act in the best interest of our clients.

We communicate clearly, openly, and transparently. Our consulting services are limited to areas covered by our expertise. Discretion and care in handling your data are our top priorities.



We respect every individual and value your corporate culture. Without exception! A respectful exchange of ideas and opinions promotes collaboration and, in turn, the achievement of your goals.

Caestra Consulting - Fair Play


We operate independently in our consulting services, ensuring freedom from external influences. This includes avoiding sales partnerships or similar cooperation models with manufacturers or providers in the relevant fields.


Our analyses and recommendations are free from personal interests. We rely on a professional and neutral perspective, based on data and facts. We act in the best interest of our clients.


We communicate clearly, openly, and transparently. Our consulting services are limited to areas covered by our expertise. Discretion and care in handling your data are our top priorities.


We respect every individual and value your corporate culture. Without exception! A respectful exchange of ideas and opinions promotes collaboration and, in turn, the achievement of your goals.

Let Our Customers Speak.*

*Dear customers, in line with our principles, here you will find only a selection of anonymized references that do not allow conclusions about our clients. If you have a justified interest, we are happy to facilitate contact with the respective referees.

Book your free initial consultation now.

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Info Service

Our information service provides you with exciting insights, analyses, and trends on core topics of our quality management consulting.
You can find a complete overview of all articles here:

Useful Links

The following links will take you to external websites over which we have no control. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal violations at the time of linking.

Authorities / Institutions

Statutory accident insurers

Legal texts / regulations

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