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E-Sourcing - why Online Freight Tendering Fails.

E-Sourcing – Online freight tendering or spot market platforms – is gaining significance in logistics. Hailed as a miracle tool by some, cursed as a useless waste of time by others.

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Success stories in the literature and elaborate brochures from platform providers clash with complaints from average shippers about complex processes, disrupted customer-supplier relationships, and unattainable targets.

But where does the truth lie?

Current research on the effectiveness of online platforms compared to traditional procurement processes is marked by contradictory results and one-sided perspectives. While behavior patterns and expectations of shippers are well-described, motivations and perceptions of the provider side – logistics and transport companies – remain in the dark.

To shed light on this, we delved deeper, examining the online and offline procurement market for truck loading space in Germany – with the support of numerous shippers and carriers. The results of our work are available for free download here. It includes a checklist for the effective and efficient use of online procurement platforms in logistics, offering practical value even at this more academic stage for you as a shipper or logistics company.

Stay tuned for an upcoming series of articles that will delve into the topic of online platforms in logistics in a more accessible and reader-friendly manner. Stay online!


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